The display was a brand new, unused, original Slim Devices display the cost was about 100 and shipping was very fast. Alle Schrauben auf der Deckplatte sind aus Edelstahl Nagelneues Mober Subchassis einteilig aus einem Stück / Block Aluminium cnc - gefäst Es schwingt schön kolbenförmig. I was able to purchase a brand new display on eBay from seller hotdogtec (no affiliation). Why ? Because you don't want drilled out swarf and paint shavings from the headshell in the arm bearings. Dort wo der Linn An-/Ausschalter war sitzt nun ein Moberlabel aus Ganzmetall. Its also a good idea to secure a plastic bag [small freezer bags work well [ around the bearing block. Peter has also had a great influence in the Tiger Paw Scale counterweights and Elevator, the lift/lower device for the Naim Aro tonearm. The phonostage is a Salas simplistic folded NJFET. These include Linn’s Aro Keel, Ekos Se, Urika, the Solid Baseboard for the LP12, Naim’s Airplug loading plugs for the Superline to name but a few. Depends where your priorities lie and how much patience you have. Neither would have been my first choice companions but I had them lying in a cupboard so it was a zero further cost option. so its important to ensure that the bearings are carefully and gently supported whilst working on the arm.Ī decently strong elastic band wound not too tightly around the arm tube and lift lower assembly will usually do the trick. There are a few blogs that need writing about this kit, but the turntable is one of Ants Lenco GL75 modifications with a Linn Ekos and Ortofon Kontrapunkt B.

If you are drilling the headshell, there are some sensible safeguards to follow.Īll but the latest Ittoks had no integrated arm clip. and we most of us will know which category we fall into Ī very easy job for those proficient and confident enough to do it but perhaps best left alone by the ham fisted amongst us.

If the third hole hasn't been enlarged it isn't the end of the world.