She looks up to see he caught the 'kunai in his hair, which he throws back at her. However at that instant he throws his staff at her, which collides into her stomach. In desperation, she turns and throws several kunai at him, cheering when they seem to hit him. Nenki uses his hair to swing on the branches as he chases, allowing him to catch up with her quickly. Nenki quickly gives chase as Tenzen, Koshirou, Hotarubi and Rousai watch from the ground. Okoi declines the offer, leaping backwards into the trees saying she would return to Kouga to find out what really happened. Tenzen tells her she wouldn't believe what they told her and that she should accompany them to Iga to see for herself. Okoi grins and tells them they underestimated the Kouga and asks if Gennosuke is safe. He tells her they are from Iga and they had just left Kouga, where they were attacked when trying to deliver the message of Gennosuke staying in Iga. A group of five Iga ninja ambush her, surrounding her on all sides while Tenzen asks if she is Okoi of Kouga. Okoi later stops for a drink at a river, unaware she is being watched from the bushes. The suspicious ninja was actually Kyohachiro Hattori the adopted son of Hattori Hanzo the 4th who had been charged with observing the duel between Kouga and Iga. Okoi managed to save herself by throwing a weighted chain around a rock projection, but lost sight of her quarry. Okoi was just about to apprehend him when the ninja tricked her into falling off the edge of a sudden cliff. When she demanded he identify himself, the ninja retreated with Okoi in hot pursuit through the branches and then along the ground. He goes with her to the woods and she waves goodbye before heading off to Iga.Īs she headed through the trees she spotted a suspicious ninja spying on her village from a treetop. Saemon then asks Okoi to go to Iga and check on Genosuke, which she agrees to immediately. She jokes that he could be the bait, which causes the pair to burst out laughing. She suggests Saemon should go boar hunting too, but he refuses, saying he prefers fishing. Saemon asks when she became friends with Juubei, but she ignores him and complains about how Gyoubu can't go boar hunting either. Okoi takes a large bite out of a fish and complains about how boring it is, due to not being able to train her ninja skills or speak to her teatime friend Juubei. Okoi is annoyed, she didn't get a chance to go, as she wanted to see the inside of Iga. Okoi is first seen with Saemon, who informs her of Gennosuke and Jousuke staying at Iga. Jousuke unwisely joked that if Okoi ate something as fatty as himself than her hips would become too big at which point Okoi soundly thrashed him. Okoi appears with Gyoubu, who jokingly suggests they should eat Jousuke for dinner instead of the boar. He rolls down a hill to where Saemon and Shougen are fishing, making a huge splash and letting the fish get away. Angered, she screams at him and he tries to escape. She screams, scaring the boar away in the process. She is interrupted by Jousuke, who attempts to grab her from behind while she is bending over. In an anime only scene, Okoi is seen crouched in the woods with a spear, hunting a boar with Gyoubu. She also has quite a well-endowed frame and very large lips, which are very prominent in the manga version. Despite being a tomboy, she dresses in a more revealing manner than the other kunoichi, wearing a hip length, purple sleeveless kimono, a red sash tied around her waist and shortened pale hakama. Okoi is a young woman with shoulder-length brown hair which she keeps tied up with a ponytail.